Oxal, SA de CV guarantees this product against manufacturing defects and oxidation of all its parts during the period specified on the label begining with the purchase date and at no charge to the buyer.
Restitution timing of the product will not exceed 30 days after the date of reception at our address.
Because it is a total physical change, no spare parts will be provided.
This guarantee is not valid when:
To validate the guarantee the buyer must provide Oxal with the product, the store proof of purchase, indicating:
OXAL, S.A. de C.V. Francisco I. Madero 146-A.
Col. San Esteban
C.P. 53550 Naucalpan, Edomex.
Tel.: (52) (55) 5576 6000 ext. 2563 | info@oxal.com.mx
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